Rihannas nya kärlek!


Josh Hartnett was caught off-guard on national television Thursday when he was asked about rumors of a makeout session with Rihanna (which both have denied).

The Hollywood heartthrob - on The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet to promote his new vampire flick, 30 Days of Night - didn't expect the talk show duo to launch into the sort of personal question that arose.

"Let's just get it out in the open here," co-host Mike Jerrick declared after Juliet Huddy praised the actor for keeping his personal life out of the media spotlight - until recently.

"You were kissing on Rihanna," stated Jerrick matter-of-factly.

Hartnett, 29, was visibly uncomfortable with the topic. "Whoa, whoa, whoa ... No, no, no ... C'mon you guys ... This is ... uh ... We weren't supposed to talk about these things were we?"

Huddy replied, "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

The actor replied: "I can't really respond to things like that because if I start responding to them everybody will want a response on anything."

"Half ... 95 percent of the stuff written about me is not true," Hartnett concluded.

And, for the record, he was born in Minnesota, not San Francisco as commonly misreported, he said.
Utdrag från people.com



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